Unlock the Future of Smart Renting

Say goodbye to countless hours of scanning multiple listings, fear of losing a potential space, stacks of disorganized documents, and concerns about scams.

Smart Listing

After understanding who you are, what you're looking for, and where you want to be, our friendly AI assistant, "Rentie" curates a list of properties tailored just for you. No more scrolling through endless listings that don’t match your needs.

Verification System

Safety is paramount. Every landlord and tenant goes through a thorough verification process. We check identity, earnings, and credit/payment history. So you can trust not just the place, but also the people.

Virtual Queue System

With our unique queue system, once you find a listing you like, you can virtually “stand in line” ensuring you don't get overlooked or overrun by another renter.

Find It, Love It, Rent It.

Renting an apartment or room just got easier, smarter, and more secure. With Rent.ly, you not only find the right space but also ensure it's the right choice. Your all-in-one solution for a smooth rental experience.

Your rental journey starts here:

Instant Notifications

As soon as a property matches your criteria, we’ll let you know. No more FOMO.

Document Hub

Say goodbye to scattered emails and say hello to organized, accessible communication. Store all your essential rental documents in one secure place. Never again scramble to find that crucial piece of paperwork.

Virtual Viewing Calendar

VVC streamlines the apartment viewing process, allowing owners to effortlessly mark their availability and tenants to instantly book appointments. Say goodbye to scheduling chaos and enjoy a seamless, real-time booking experience.

Map and Street View Integration

Before making the trip, virtually stroll down the street of your potential new home.

Don't Settle. Rent Smart.

Say goodbye to compromise and hello to a future rental journey

Rent.ly ©2023 All rights reserved.

See & Be Seen, Simplified

Navigating the maze of rental appointments can be tricky. With the Virtual Viewing Calendar, that's a thing of the past!

Why Use the Virtual Viewing Calendar?

For Owners:

Effortless Scheduling: Simply mark your available times. No back-and-forth, no fuss.Stay Organized: Keep track of all scheduled viewings at a glance.Instant Updates: Whenever a potential tenant books a slot, you're instantly notified, ensuring you’re always in the loop.

For Tenants:

Choose at Your Convenience: Browse available slots and pick a time that suits you best.No More Waiting: Say goodbye to lengthy email chains and delayed responses. Book in real-time!Reminders: We know life gets busy. Our calendar sends you gentle reminders so you never miss an appointment.

Meet Rentie: Your Smart Rental Guide

Let Rentie redefine your rental search. Personal, precise, perfect.

Quick Insight, Quicker Matches

Rentie isn't just another AI assistant. Rentie understands you. Input your preferences, dreams, and needs, and watch as Rentie sifts through listings to find your perfect match.

Less Scrolling, More Living

Rentie knows the value of your time. No more drowning in endless listings. Get straight to the ones that matter, curated just for you.

Stay Ahead with Intelligent Alerts

Why chase listings when they can come to you? Rentie notifies you as soon as a match enters the market. Your dream home could be just a notification away!

Trust in Every Tick

Rentie ensures each recommendation is from a verified listing, removing the worry of potential scams.

Trust Begins Here

iscover the power of Secure Tenancy. With Rent.ly, step into a realm where every party experiences protection, convenience, and savings throughout the tenancy journey.

For Owners:

Decisions Made Easy: Comprehensive checks let you confidently finalize leases.
Minimized Risks: Curtail rental risks and unnecessary paperwork with our system's backing.

For Tenants:

Fast-Track Move-In: Bypass lengthy procedures and move in faster to your new home.
Stress Reducer: Our insurance coverage ensures peace of mind throughout your tenancy.

How it works?

1. Invitation Initiation: Landlord sends an invitation to the tenant.
2. Three-Step Vetting: Tenants undergo a detailed three-stage verification - confirming identity, validating earnings, and assessing credit/payment history.
3. Green Signal: Once verified, the process advances, connecting all parties securely and efficiently.

Queue the Future: Your Perfect Rental, No Rush Required.

Gone are the days of the frantic rush to secure your ideal rental listing. Dive into a methodically paced and orderly apartment hunting experience with our Virtual Queue System.

How It Works:

1. Define Your Dream Home: Once you're logged in, simply set your rental preferences.2. Enter the Queue: No need for incessant page refreshes or battling in real-time. Our system neatly organizes users based on their set preferences and search timings.3. Get Personalized Notifications: As listings matching your criteria pop up, we'll alert you based on your queue position, ensuring you never miss out on a perfect match.

Your all-in-one solution for a smooth rental experience.


Equal Opportunities for All: Every searcher gets a fair shot, irrespective of their login time.
Relaxed Exploration: Let us curate the best listings for you, eliminating the noise.
Tailored Matches: With our system's meticulous prioritization, only the listings that align with your needs will reach you.

No rush, no fuss—just your ideal rental property waiting for you.